Quit a job you love

I’m lucky. I’ve loved every place I’ve worked. I’ve made lifelong friends & mentors, growing tremendously at each position I’ve held.

So why quit a job you love?

The one resounding reason: growth.

Sometimes, even if you’re still crushing it - you’re not learning as much as you once were. Maybe you’re not trying new technologies as much, or meeting new people anymore… kind of running in some sort of “things are cool…” maintenance mode.

Maintenance mode is a trap, a non-growth purgatory, where you stop creating new awesome things. It makes any portfolio of work you have, increasingly more out of date, and less impressive. People who are still growing, are now passing you by.

When you beat a video game challenge, you level up. You don’t stick around admiring the work of what you’ve completed. You yearn to beat the next challenge and move forward. That’s how you win the game.


Now read this

Your manager’s job is to make YOU more money.

Common sense shows that successful managers work for their direct reports. # Here’s how. If you work on planet earth, with other people, the most important thing you can have is a strong, cohesive, well-functioning team. Sadly, wanting... Continue →