Failing before you launch.

About 2 and a half years ago, I built something pretty cool, that I was intensely passionate about.

It’s called Cedarstack.

You can check it out here:

u: demo

Its an app for crowdfunding online startups, and creating a trading market around them.

I spent hundreds of hours planning this app, designing it, coding it, and then re-doing everything multiple times, and again and again.

I haven’t touched it in about a year and a half (so there are plenty of old bugs, and crufty new bugs)

I will never launch Cedarstack in it’s current incarnation though, and I’m really great with that.

The idea is too much for what it is, its too complicated, and its not solving a real enough need. As someone who launches their own apps all the time, its not a service I would use (even though I built it to solve my own need). I failed before I ever got it out the door.

I’d like to think that, some day I’ll re-do this app, and solve the problem in a much better way. And thats when it’ll launch. When I’m ready, and when its right. But the real truth is, I probably won’t.

There is no reason to launch something I’m unhappy with for the sake of launching.

Startup culture is all about shipping often, which I agree with. Side projects are not startups (yet) - and as such they can be afforded much more consideration.

Launch something that kicks ass, that you love. Don’t launch shit, the internet already has plenty.


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